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Network Information

Internal IP adresses:    External interface:

Open ports

WWW (80) MAIL/POP3 (110) FTP (21)
MAIL/SMTP (25) SSH (22 Other (port1,port2:port5)

Ports to be forwarded

WWW (80) MAIL/POP3 (110) FTP (21)
MAIL/SMTP (25) SSH (22 Other (port1,port2:port5)
LAN server IP: i.e.

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Iptables made easy will make a firewalling script for linux based routers, servers and workstations with a recent kernel (>= 2.4)


This script enables the NAT functionality of the linux kernel. The default INPUT policy on the Internet is set to DROP, which means that access to services on the firewall should be explicitly allowed. All computers on the lan has access to all services on the firewall.

The script opens all ports on localhost. Furthermore it closes the ident port to make it faster to connect to irc-servers.